Tryllt dagskrá 19. apríl – 5. maí í 100&1 fyrir 13-16 ára // Dynamite program April 19th – May 5th in 100&1 for 13-16 years old

 í flokknum: 100og1

Hér er að finna dagskránna 19. apríl – 5. maí hjá unglingunum í 100&1. Framundan eru æðislegir dagskrárliðir og erum við svo glöð hvað tekist hefur vel að halda úti starfinu í takmörkunum. Unglingarnir hafa staðið sig eins og hetjur í sóttvörnum, útileik og almennu jafnaðargeði gagnvart þessu öllu saman. Njörðurinn ætlar að halda aftur LARP vopnagerð en tímasetning verður auglýst síðar. Við hvetjum eindregið til að fara yfir dagskránna með ykkar ungling.

When a new regulation is issued on May 5th, we will send out a program that complies with it.

Góða helgi!
Starfsfólk 100&1.


Here you can find the program for April 19th – May 5th for the teenagers in 100&1. There are great activities ahead and we are so happy how the youth club openings have been within the limits. The teenagers have been amazing and followed personal infection control, have played outdoors and had general composure towards all of this. Njörðurinn intends have LARP weapons making again, but the timing will be announced later. We strongly encourage you to review the programs with your teenager.

When a new regulation is issued on May 5th, we will send out a program that complies with it.

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