Barnasáttmáli í 26 ár á Íslandi

 í flokknum: Halastjarnan


Í dag fögnum við  29 ára afmæli barnasáttmálans. Hann var samþykktur á allsherjarþing Sameinuðu þjóðanna 20. nóvember 1989 og tók gildi hér á landi þremum árum síðan, 1992. Krakkar okkar úr fjórða bekk bökuðu afmælisköku í tilefni þess 🙂
Almennt stendur barnasáttmálinn í brennidepli í okkar starf í viku og endum við með okkar árlegri réttindagöngu.

Today is 29th anniversary since the the ratification of the The Convention on the Rights of the Child at the General Assembly United Nations. It was ratified 20. November 1989 and became part of the legal system in Iceland three years later in 1992. Our children from the 4th grade baked a cake as part of our week’s celebration 🙂
The Convention is in the focus of our work this week which will end with the annual “Right’s March” on Friday.

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